05 avril 2008

Moyrazes 2008
Fusain sur papier
50 x 65 cm

Moyrazes 2008
Mine de plomb et acrylique sur papier
20 x 15 cm

3 commentaires:

Dorota a dit…

Great work! There is a modern gallery which could be suitable to show your work I think. Check the site BERGAMONT STATION.It is located in santa Monica , California.Greetings.

Thomas de Vuillefroy a dit…


Thank you very much for your answer, I’m realy happy that you enjoyed my work. I contacted per mail the galeries that you advised me, we’ll see!!
Best Regards,

Dorota a dit…

You are welcome. Those galleries showcase abstract, modern art. I am very much int this kind of stuff and will try to have a show one day. Good luck Thomas.